
Have you been trying to find out more about subtle teeth straightening appliances?

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Modern dentistry has completely changed the way that people can get their teeth straightened. Before people would need to set aside a couple of spare years to straighten their teeth and often accept the metal materials that were used and permanently fixed to their teeth without question. Now you can get invisible braces in Sydney CBD so you have additional appliances to choose from and can get a treatment that fits around you and your lifestyle. With this treatment you can also avoid having to have a messy impression taken to show the present positioning of your teeth. Instead you will have a 3D image taken of your mouth, and computer technology will then produce images to predict how your teeth will move throughout several different stages until they finally reach their straightened positions. You will have custom made aligners created from these images for each stage of movement. Once your aligners are made you will find that they fit comfortably over your own teeth and should not impact your ability to speak.

Straighten your smile in secret

straight smile

The discreet nature of this appliance is one of the main benefits that makes it so appealing to people who wish to straighten their teeth. Instead of having unsightly metal brackets attached to your teeth, you will be required to wear a series of clear, plastic aligners that work together in unison to move your teeth into their ideal positions. The thin plastic that your aligners are made from is barely visible to other people, meaning you can straighten your smile subtly with some people not even noticing that you are undergoing treatment. You will be issued with a few sets of aligners at a time and will need to wear them in the correct order for a minimum of twenty-two hours a day. Whilst you are able to remove your appliance for eating and brushing it is advised that you wear it at all other times to ensure that your treatment works efficiently. Not wearing your appliance properly could result in your treatment time taking longer, or you may even need to start it from the beginning again.

Results in as little as six months

Many people are put off from undergoing teeth straightening treatment because they are worried about making a long-term commitment. Traditional appliances can take years to straighten your teeth, meaning that they are no good if you have a special event coming up in the next twelve months and have decided that you wish to straighten your teeth for it. With Invisalign you are able to produce results a lot quicker, with treatment generally taking between six and twelve months. This can still vary from patient to patient and can be longer depending on the severity of your situation. Once your treatment has finished you will still be required to wear a retainer to ensure that your teeth do not move back into their previous positions, but after a week of continuous wear you will only need to use it at nighttime. Nighttime wear will be necessary for months or potentially years, depending on your individual circumstances.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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