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Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency: Symptoms to Look Out For

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The food you eat significantly affects the function and overall well-being of each part of your body. If you are not eating a well-balanced diet, you are not getting the vitamins and minerals that keep you going.

Nutrient deficiency manifests through different symptoms. It is your body’s way of telling you that you are lacking an important nutrient.

Here are the most common signs of vitamin and mineral deficiency.

Hair Loss

Your hair goes through a lot every day. From heat styling to outdoor pollution, your hair is subjected to a lot of stress, causing damage, breakage, and hair fall.

Sometimes, changing to a gentle shampoo such as Kerluxe can bring your hair’s vitality back. However, if no shampoo has solved the problem, you might need to look inward.

Hair fall is a symptom of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D, as you might have already heard, keeps your bones strong and boosts your immune system. However, the nutrient is also responsible for creating new hair follicles.

Your body needs at least 600 IU (international units) or 15 micrograms of vitamin D every day. You can get the right dose by spending time outside, under the sun. You can also eat eggs, mushrooms, salmon, herring, sardines, and tuna to get vitamin D.

Brittle Nails

If your nails break off, you might be lacking biotin. Your body uses biotin, more popularly known as B7, to convert food into energy. If you are not getting enough of the nutrient, your body may not have enough energy to maintain its regular function.

Having brittle nails is the most common sign of biotin efficiency. However, you might also experience thinning and splitting hair, muscle pain, and tingling of the hands and feet.

People who smoke and drink are at a higher risk of biotin deficiency. You can remedy the problem by eating legumes, nuts and seeds, sweet potatoes, bananas, broccoli, avocados, and eggs.

Bumps on Your Skin

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Have you noticed red and white bumps appearing on your cheeks, arms, thighs, and buttocks? The goosebump-like textures are sometimes accompanied by corkscrew or ingrown hairs.

The condition is called keratosis pilaris. Although its causes are still unknown, it has been observed among people who lack vitamin A and vitamin C. Those who have the condition should supplement their treatment with dark leafy greens, yellow and orange-colored fruits and vegetables, and organ meats.

Cracks on the Corners of Your Mouth

Lesions in and around your mouth are often caused by the lack of vitamins and minerals. If the corners of your mouth often crack, split, and bleed, you might have angular cheilitis.

The condition happens when saliva gets trapped and builds up in the corners of your mouth. Often, it is caused by the growth of fungus, particularly Candida. However, it might also be a sign that you are not getting iron and riboflavin.

Increase your intake of whole grains, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, starchy vegetables, and nuts and seeds. If the problem does not go away, it is time to see a doctor.

These symptoms are meant to warn you that you lack certain vitamins and minerals in your diet. To avoid them, you should eat a well-balanced diet that includes all food groups. However, it is best to consult a medical professional if you are experiencing any of these symptoms to rule out the possibility of a more serious health problem.


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