a worker that fell

What to Do If You Fall: A List of Tips

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If you have ever fallen, you know that it can be a scary experience. You may not know what to do or where to turn. That is why we have put together this list of tips on what to do if you fall.

Follow these tips, and you will be able to stay safe and get back up on your feet in no time!

man who slip and fall

1. Keep Calm and Relax

Falling can be scary. You may have a lot of emotions going through your mind, and that is OK.

Just try to keep calm so you do not panic. Relaxing will help you think clearer about what needs to be done next. Panic can also cause you to move, only worsening your possible injury.

Take some deep breaths and wait for the pain to subside before getting up if you are in pain. You can try different breathing exercises to decrease your feelings of anxiety.

First, you have the 4-7-8 method. Count to four when you inhale, hold your breath for seven seconds, and then exhale for eight seconds.

Second, you can try the pursed-lip technique. Purse your lips like you will blow out a candle and slowly inhale through your nose for a count of four. Hold your breath for another count of four and then slowly exhale through your lips to the exact count of four, keeping them pursed throughout.

2. Assess Your Condition

Now that you’ve calmed down, check your condition. What kind of injuries do you have? Can you move any of your limbs? Are you bleeding?

When you are overwhelmed by many sensations, you can perform a body scan. Close your eyes and start at the top of your head. Slowly go through each part of your body, asking yourself how you feel in that area.

You may be able to feel where you got injured or even what might need medical attention. If there is anything obvious like a broken bone or severe bleeding, call 911 immediately.

Do not attempt to move your body. Wait for emergency personnel to arrive and assess the situation. If you are not injured severely, proceed to the next step.

3. Bring Yourself to Urgent Care

Bring yourself to urgent care the next day, especially if you’re showing symptoms such as more severe pain, swelling in the affected area, tenderness, or bruising. You can also go there if you’re unsure about your injury or want a second opinion on the condition of your body after falling.

The attending physician will ask for your medical history and symptoms in urgent care. They will also inquire about the incident that caused the injury.

The doctor will also request tests to diagnose and treat you properly. The urgent care X-ray cost will vary, depending on the affected area. They may also ask for an MRI or CT scan when necessary, mainly if the injury is more severe.

If you need any medication, they can give it right away or refer you to a pharmacy nearby. The doctor will also provide instructions on caring for your injuries and follow-up visits if needed.

4. Rest and Recover

The healing process will take time, so be patient. You may need to rest in bed for a few days or weeks.

You can also wear a sling or protective gear to prevent further injury as an added precaution. If the affected area is your head, you must avoid any strenuous activity until it heals completely.

Take the time to heal and do not push yourself. Slowly increase your activity as you feel better. It will help reduce the chances of having another fall in the future.

Even when you’re resting and recovering, pay attention to your symptoms. Sometimes it takes a while before all of them will manifest. Meanwhile, some, like pain and swelling, may worsen over time. You should go back to urgent care if you notice any of these or your injuries do not seem to be getting better at all.

5. Prevention Is Key

The best way to deal with a fall is to prevent it from happening in the first place. To do this, you must be aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions.

Some things that you can do are wearing sensible shoes when walking outside, using a cane or walker if needed, and being careful when carrying heavy objects.

If you’re feeling unsteady, hold on to a railing when walking or use a wheelchair. Stay indoors as much as possible and avoid slippery surfaces.

Most importantly, be vigilant and take notice of your body’s warning signs before a fall happens. If you’re feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or off-balance, sit down or lie down until the feeling subsides.

Falling is never fun and can even be dangerous to your health. But with the right knowledge about what steps to take after falling down

Following these tips can help make a scary experience less daunting. Just remember to keep calm, assess your condition, and bring yourself to urgent care if necessary. Take it easy and give your body time to recover. If you take care of yourself, you can prevent any further damage from a fall.

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