dentist and patient

Am I suitable for implants? A guide for patients seeking oral implants

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It is fair to say that oral implants have helped thousands of people to restore their smiles and regain their oral functionality. Affixed to the jaw, these tiny screws fuse to the bone and allow a prosthetic tooth or teeth to be placed on top, allowing for a more secure prosthetic tooth with all the aesthetic advantages that come with dentures.

And while oral implants are suitable for almost everyone, there is, unfortunately, a subset of dental patients who may have difficulty having them successfully fitted. While there are commonly 4 types of dental implant in Melbourne used, there are some conditions or situations that make it tougher for any kind to fuse to the jawbone, thus excluding certain people from having the procedure.

In this article, some of the most common disqualifying factors surrounding oral implants are discussed, enabling you to assess if you are suitable.

Gum disease

First things first, in order for a dental implant from Melbourne to fuse correctly to the jaw, the gum line has to be healthy.

If you have been diagnosed with gum disease, this doesn’t necessarily disqualify you completely from having a dental implant near Melbourne, but your dentist will need to treat this condition prior to the implant being fitted and then conduct many follow-up appointments.

If you have a history of gum disease, talk to your dentist about the suitability of oral implants.


If you have an auto-immune condition, it is unlikely that having oral implants fitted will be successful.

As the medication used to treat these disorders suppress the immune system, it can equate to longer healing times and a higher chance of the implant falling out. Of course, if you are taking immunosuppressants and want to have oral implants, talk to your doctor and dentist about feasibility.



Like immunosuppressants, untreated or poorly managed diabetes can also delay the healing process, which will increase the likelihood of the implant falling out.

If you do have diabetes but it is well managed, this should not be a concern but please discuss this with your doctor and dentist prior to having the implants fitted.

Other medical conditions

There are many bone disorders which can also create issues with having oral implants fitted.

For instance, if you suffer from a degenerative bone disorder such as osteoporosis, the fitting of an implant may go smoothly, but as time progresses there is a higher chance that the implant will fall out.

But as is a theme in this article with medical exclusions, this is not a complete rule and should be discussed with the appropriate medical professionals.


It is a known fact that smoking is bad and when it comes to having implants fitted, this habit will inevitably shorten the life of the implant.

Smoking causes gum recession and as mentioned previously, your implants need healthy gums to fuse and remain in place. If you want to quit smoking to have implants fitted, discuss smoking cessation with your dentist.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


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