Understanding Health and Wellness for Remote Workers

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Many freelancers and certain offices have already used remote work set-ups, but since the pandemic, working from home has seen a massive boom. For some perspective, Statista notes that there are currently 145 million active daily users on Microsoft Teams alone. Though both companies and workers have found this a win-win in many cases, it also comes with its own set of challenges. One of these challenges is keeping a healthy routine.

Thankfully, there are ways to take care of your well-being.

1. Stay up-to-date with your healthcare

Taking vitamins and hydrating are simple yet important pillars of self-care. Doctors recommend it, and it’s tried and tested. Of course, just because these times are seeing people stay home more doesn’t mean that people can be laxer about health. If you’re feeling sick, make sure you don’t shy away from setting up even a digital consult.

Of course, some people think of the cost as a clincher for steering clear. If your company has switched you over to a work-from-home post, consider reaching out to your human resources officer and asking about employee insurance. Data analytics reveals that value-based healthcare is one of the best ways to maintain employee engagement.

2. Set up your workspace properly

Your direct environment has a big impact on the way you work. Lighting, temperature, organization, and ergonomics all come together and dictate whether you’ll be productive or feel distracted and in pain. Forbes has written about how modern office spaces have evolved to make sure that it is conducive to work. This has resulted in the WELL Building Standard, which focuses on Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness, Comfort, and Mind. Applying these same changes to your space at home can do wonders.

Ensure you set aside a designated area for work so that the rest of the home still feels like home. In that area, remove clutter and distractions but keep things cozy with a plant or some decor. Since most remote work is happening digitally, it’s also a good idea to consider your computer setup. Make sure your screen is eye level and doesn’t make you hunch your back. In terms of desk and chair, make sure you pick a pairing that puts comfort and practicality first over price and style.

3. Create a set schedule for your work

remote work setup

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or aren’t maximizing your day, consider drafting a calendar for the week and trying to stick to it. Designate your work hours and put in the daily tasks you need to get done. This way, you can tick your way through each objective more smoothly. It also helps you to know when it’s time to strictly stop and put aside work thoughts and messages.

Not only does this set proper boundaries that can help you shift from work mode to resting at home mode, but it can also improve your productivity and efficiency. One popular time management trick you can incorporate is the Pomodoro method, which cuts your work into 15-minute intervals with short breaks in between. This encourages sticking to the clock while giving you ample space for distractions later on.

4. Don’t forget to move and eat right

Studies from Frontiers in Public Health reveal that working from home is highly associated with greater sedentary behaviors. Because of that, medical experts consider this a public health issue, as sedentary lifestyles significantly increase the risk of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety. Add to this the tendency to eat junk food and easier-to-cook meals with little nutrition, and it can be a dangerous mix.

During your work hours, make sure to stretch out now and then. And then, after or before, set aside some time to fit in a quick workout. It doesn’t have to be intense, and you want to have some physical movement in there. As for food, consider cooking yourself a nice balance of delicious meals that are also good for you. Keep in mind that, even before the pandemic, research showed that only 21% of adults were meeting physical activity guidelines.

5. Make time for yourself

Finally, make sure you allow yourself to enjoy. Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you’re working any less. When work hours are done, make sure you turn off those apps and click away from those messages. It’s up to you how you spend your recreational time, but what’s important is that you do what makes you happy in those moments. Whether this is socializing with friends and family online or simply relaxing on the couch watching your favorite movie, having time for yourself will help you stay motivated.

It’s important to take care of yourself, too. Always consider the signals your body sends out because this is what can guide you to do what’s best. Otherwise, you’d be more prone to burning out, which is much more problematic in the end.

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