Hip replacement x-ray

Advice on How to Recover After Hip Replacement Surgery

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Hip replacement aims at relieving pain that cannot be reduced by other treatment methods by replacing the injured or broken parts of a hip joint. You are a candidate for hip replacement surgery if you experience a lot of pain that prevents you from your daily activities such as resting, sitting, or walking. The typical reason for hip joint surgery is arthritis.

Since hip replacement surgery is a major operation, you need to be well-prepared to make the healing process easy. The best part is that the surgery is a path to an active and full life. Since you have decided to undergo this surgery, you want to maximize its benefits. Therefore, you need to plan for the recovery period even before undergoing surgery. These tips should help you prepare ahead of hip replacement surgery and enhance the recovery process:

Lose any excess weight

Being obese or overweight slows down the recovery process. Additionally, excess weight increases the risks of complications during hip replacement surgery. The extra pounds strain your new hip joint as well as put stress on it. Therefore, your focus before the operation should be to eat healthy food and exercise before the surgery. You can liaise with your physician if you are struggling in this area.

Improve your overall health

You need to take care of your health for a few months or weeks to your operation. For instance, you should keep your skin free and clear of infection or irritation and schedule dental visits before the surgery to rule out chances of oral disease. You should retain medication programs for other health conditions except for dental appointments after the surgery. Also, patients should talk with their physicians in Clive, Iowa about any medications that you are taking because some should not be taken before the operation day.

Work with a physical therapist

man with physical therapist

You will need to learn how to walk with your new hip after the surgery. That is why you need a physical therapist to work with you. As such, patients should always attend their physical therapy appointments and follow the directions given by the therapist to assist them in regaining their strength. Working closely with a physical therapist will help you regain mobility and return to your daily activities as fast as possible.

Arrange for help

The recovery period can take longer than usual. As such, you need assistance as you recover. You should arrange for someone to drop you home from the hospital. Moreover, you need help with daily activities, household chores, bathing, shopping, and cooking. You can hire a temporary aide or arrange with your family or friends.

Watch out for complications

You need to be vigilant because sometimes complications may arise. You need to watch out for unusual bleeding, any signs of worsening pain, fever, incision, or swelling. You should contact your physician if you notice anything unusual for early treatment.

The recovery process plays an integral role in determining the success of hip replacement surgery. Therefore, you should make use of these guidelines to prepare for the surgery. The guidelines will reduce the risks of complications during and after the operation.

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