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Clean Beauty: The Best Natural Beauty Products

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Clean or natural beauty is when products are created mindfully without using potentially harmful chemicals. Additionally, they’re usually sustainably produced, enhancing one’s health as naturally as possible. After all, everything people put on their bodies should intend to help and not the other way around. The best way to ensure this is by using products with intentional and all-natural ingredients coming from nature, not the lab.

However, it can be challenging to see and decipher a true “natural” or “clean” beauty product, but it is possible—and the factors mentioned can make the elimination process seamless.

Ingredients to Avoid

Before looking for clean or natural beauty products, you’ll need to know what ingredients you should avoid. So, if you’re unsure, check the product’s ingredients list on the back to be on the safe side. Plus, doing this helps you avoid synthetic products like paraben and toxins, such as formaldehyde. However, what about those secret ingredients? Organic products can contain a couple of hidden ingredients that may be potentially harmful. Generally, if anything has a label of “fragrance” or “parfum,” you’ll want to avoid this.

That’s because even if they’re natural beauty products, labeling ingredients as fragrance could mean there are dangerous hidden products in them. That’s why you’ll often notice people complaining about getting a headache when using items with “fragrance,” eventually leading to chronic fatigue, which you can confirm by checking out your symptoms and taking comprehensive test series in salt lake city.

Skin Type

When it comes to organic skin products, always assess your skin type as one natural product may be effective and safe for one person but potentially dangerous for the other. Clean beauty products often use all-natural ingredients affecting the body’s oil production rate, causing skin issues. So, if you have naturally oily skin, avoid items with thick oils as they block your pores. Plus, the thicker the oil is, the better it is for bacterial growth, excess oil production, and acne—leaving your skin oilier than it actually is.

If that’s the case for you, you’ll need something that takes time to soak into the layers, leaving you with healthier and glowing skin, and this is where coconut or avocado oil kicks in.

Application Timing

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The beauty products most people use during the day are drastically different from the ones they use at night since there are certain essential oils more sensitive to light, leaving your skin to get burned easier. Although using sunscreen can help, it’s best to ensure you protect your skin from any unnecessary damage. For instance, it’s best to avoid natural products with citrus essential oils for daytime use as they make your skin more sensitive to the sun’s UV rays. So, leave the sweet-smelling citrus essential oils for evening use or when you’re not going outdoors.

Origins of the Ingredients

While manufacturers may use natural products, this doesn’t mean these are the right ones for you. That’s because often, people only look at the ingredients used, never giving a second thought of where they came from and what their origins may mean for the body. So, besides knowing the ingredients used in a natural beauty product, assess where the companies made them get their organic ingredients. Doing this ensures the products are free from toxins and chemicals.

You can get your answers regarding this matter by directly calling the companies to discuss their ingredients more. Those who aren’t hiding anything are often more than happy to answer any queries about their goods. Although they won’t likely give you individual names, they’ll provide you with general locations and how they support certain manufacturers.

Change Your Expectations

Even the highest quality natural beauty products can’t last for months on end since they’re made using organic ingredients. These types of products should be treated similarly to the organic food you buy, meaning you need to make the most out of it in its short time as they tend to go off sooner. To avoid wasting anything, avoid buying in bulk and only buy what you need in specific periods.

Additionally, natural beauty products tend to cost more than their chemical counterparts, but they can make you healthier and spend less on medical bills long-term. So, it’s an adjustment you’ll need to make before you buy these products.

The beauty sector is loosely regulated, with most terms used in the industry carelessly thrown around, confusing consumers, often giving them the wrong impression of “clean” or natural products. So, while products may have labels saying it’s 100% natural, healthy, or pure, don’t rely on that alone—and keep the factors mentioned in mind.

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