The Not-so-typical Wellness Habits to Start Before Your 30s

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For many of us, the way of living below our 30s is a roller coaster ride filled with independence, career choices, and hectic daily schedules. And most often, these priorities are putting our own health and well-being on the back burner. We neglect the importance of a good night’s sleep, eating healthy home-cooked meals, and having a totally peaceful rest day. And what’s the excuse? We are still so young!

We always say we are young that we usually forget the true meaning of holistic living: living in a good balance with your body, spirit, and mind and doing things beneficial for our overall health. If you’re currently floating in unsteady waters, it’s vital to remind yourself to take control of your life—your habits. Here are seven habits to develop before you turn 30.

Go to your health appointments

Many healthcare institutes say that most individuals under 30 or in their early 30s are more focused on their career and personal lifestyles. They often forget to seek professional medical attention. When was the last time you visited a primary care doctor for an annual health checkup? Are you regularly setting up appointments with your dentist to get your dental implant? How about the yearly eye and vision examination or pap smear? If you’re ignoring these health appointments, now’s the time to schedule them.

Generally, regardless of how healthy you think you are, it’s essential to have preventive health screenings like an annual physical exam. For dental needs, be sure to visit your dentist every six months to one year. Visit your eye doctor at least once a year or every two years, only if you are not experiencing any vision problems. If you have, visits should be made more frequently.

Master personal finance

Managing personal finance can vary from person to person. But the first basic rule to take into account is living below your means. Live a lifestyle that is less expensive than what you can afford. For instance, if you earn $50,000 a year, you should live as If you are only making $40,000 or lower. Practicing good financial discipline can help you invest and save more for your future. It gives you a buffer to cover your personal savings, emergency fund, retirement plans, insurance, and more.

What’s more, be sure to also assess your current financial situation and learn about your monthly expenses. Look at the last three months of your expenses to get a clear idea of your spending patterns and if you’re still able to set aside enough money for all your savings or investments.

Practice gratitude and mindfulness

man having a treatment with his psychiatrist

We’ve all heard the healthy habits of sleeping early and eating nutritious meals, but when’s the last time you practice gratitude and mindfulness? By definition, gratitude refers to the act of showing appreciation, while mindfulness is the state of being present and focused on what’s happening around you.

You can keep a gratitude journal wherein you write down three to five things you are most grateful for every day and the reasons for each. You can also physically embody mindfulness by doing tai chi or yoga, which are perfect for creating awareness and focus in both the body and mind. Another way to cultivate gratitude and mindfulness is through meditation. Regardless of what type of meditation you choose, it’s overall an excellent way to bring self-awareness and calm your mind.

Audit your headspace

Did you know that various cognitive distortions can lead to serious emotional suffering? You can constantly feel anxious or depress. If you are currently having thoughts that are not aligned with your reality, kindly take time to audit your headspace. There might be times when you think about negative situations or things that stress your mind and body.

Do you think that you’re a total failure before you can’t still support yourself and live independently? Or, you can’t get that promotion because your best is not just enough? Thinking you’re an utter failure can be a sign of black and white thinking. You think that your thoughts are rational by looking at the proof in front of you, but it’s a tendency of being overgeneralized and extreme. Fight off these cognitive distortions by learning how to balance your negative and positive thoughts and looking into more consistent and stable facts.

Making such kind of lifestyle changes may seem to be a struggle at first. But believe it or not, they can help you reach the point when you feel like you’re smarter and more experienced in life. Start taking control of your life and building that foundation for your own lifelong success by practicing healthy, mindful habits like the ones we’ve discussed in this article.

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