senior holding jaws and smiling

Common Issues that Contribute to the Resorption of Your Jawbone

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For most people, good oral health means pearly white teeth and pink gums. These undoubtedly signify optimal dental hygiene and health, but they are not the only indicators of a lack of disease. The state of your jawbone also significantly affects your overall dental health. Your jawbone comprises bone cells that change continually based on the elements it is exposed to and your overall health.

Few people think much of their jawbones until they have to get dental implants in a clinic in South Jordan or California or notice a sunken facial appearance. When getting a dental implant, for instance, your jawbone should be strong and adequately thick to support the implant. In cases of jawbone loss, you first have to undergo bone regeneration procedures to boost its surface area and strength. Nevertheless, you should avoid jawbone loss as much as possible. Here are the common causes of jawbone deterioration you must know:

Tooth Loss

You might have your permanent tooth extracted at the dentist’s office for one reason or another. Alternatively, you might lose a tooth owing to trauma. In both cases, some people see little need to fill the gap in their jawbone using a dental implant, dentures, or a bridge. Your jawbone, however, will start shrinking because there is no stimulation, such as happens in chewing. The rate of jawbone deterioration because of disuse will vary among people, but, in most cases, it starts within the first year after the loss of a tooth and continues through life.

Periodontal Disease

Gum disease affects your gingiva, cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone. The leading cause of the periodontal disease is the accumulation of plaque between the teeth and on your gums because of inadequate tooth brushing and flossing. When gingivitis progresses to periodontitis, the gums and jawbone around your teeth deteriorate.

Poorly Installed Dentures


Some dentures are unanchored and thus placed above your gum line. These provide no stimulation for your jawbone and, over time, cause it to deteriorate and resorb. Since an unanchored denture also relies on the integrity of your jawbone to remain in place, it will loosen over time and affect your speech and eating. Eventually, you may need new dentures in addition to bone regeneration procedures.

Misaligned Teeth

To most, misaligned teeth only affect the look of your smile. But misaligned teeth also contributes to some teeth not having an opposing structure. In this instance, they over-erupt and cause the deterioration of their underlying jawbone. Normal wear of teeth and TMJ disorders that may manifest along with misaligned teeth can also interfere with the functioning of the affected teeth. This consequently minimizes jawbone stimulation and contributes to its resorption.

The treatment of jawbone resorption owing to the above issues is costly and might sometimes fail. To this end, it is essential to preserve your jawbone by taking care of your teeth and gums through proper hygiene. When dealing with any of the above problems, get a dentist to manage them appropriately. This way, you can regenerate your jawbone effectively.

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