Dealing with Hair Loss – What’s the Best Possible Treatment?

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There’s approximately 31 million men and 21 million women who are currently suffering from hair loss to this day. The most alarming part is it the fact that there’s a continuous growth to the said numbers and that anyone can experience this regardless of gender, age and social status. The good news is, you need not to deal with this condition for your entire life.

There are now available hair restoration options and/or medications you could try to resolve your hair problem. You’re probably curious what these methods are, so here’s a list for you to read.


Today, you’ll find medications to which you could use and apply in order to deal with your hair loss situation. Majority of these medications come in the form of ointment, cream or foam. What’s so good about these is they are conveniently available at any pharmacy and are considered as over-the-counter drugs. Minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia) are among the most common of them. Continued use is important in order to get the results you want.


Another treatment method you could try is to undergo hair therapy. This often involves a combination of massage, medication and cream application. Laser therapy is among the most popular today. The use of laser has been proven to be effective when it comes to encouraging hair growth. It is said that the practice helps stimulate the hair follicles which gives patients fuller and thicker hair. It is non-invasive so it’s not surprising why people often opt for this treatment.


Blonde girl worried about hair loss

Hair transplantation is the only known and available surgery to fight off hair loss. It works for both men and women. Among all the hair loss treatment options, this is deemed to be the most preferred by many. This is not surprising considering how effective the results are. Although most patients would notice changes or growth of new hair on an average of six to nine months, its effect is far more permanent than other methods.

According to a hair restoration clinic, treatment period usually starts with consultation. Fortunately, they offer free online consultation on their patient’s initial appointment. So it’ll be more convenient for them to discuss what their conditions are and figure out the most suitable procedure to use. Once these steps are fulfilled, the patients can now be scheduled for the operation which may take about four sessions which will take place between three to four months. This all depends on how big the area to be transplanted on.

Hair Pieces

For those who do not prefer surgical or non-medical treatment, they often turn to wigs and hair pieces. These are a temporary fix to their condition but is definitely affordable and effective. Given the right hair piece, it can completely cover up or disguise your hair loss situation. Over the years, hair pieces have developed immensely which offers a more natural and refined look to its wearer. There are even wigs that are customizable in order to match the style and color of your hair.

These are just some of the options you have to help deal with hair loss. You’ll see from this list that there are a variety of ways to make you confident again about your hair. It’s just a matter of making a choice about which you think is the best for you. Once you do, you’ll be ready to flaunt your locks again in no time.

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