Mature man treating asthma with inhaler at home

How You Can Be Ready for an Asthma Attack

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As a person with asthma, no matter how much you try to prevent attacks, emergencies still happen. Unexpected asthma attacks can be scary. The best thing you can do is to be ready for anything that may occur.

Here are some ways to prepare yourself for asthma attacks.

1. Have your medications ready

Prepare an emergency kit containing your medications, medical supplies, and other equipment, and keep it within reach. Track the expiration dates of the medicines to ensure their effectiveness. Be sure to include an easy-to-use inhaler or nebulizer in the kit for more severe symptoms.

In addition, take note of nearby places where you can replenish your medicine supply. A comprehensive list on where you can buy Prime asthma relief and other over-the-counter drugs will make treating milder symptoms easier. Make a separate prescription drugs list for more severe attacks.

2. Create an emergency action plan

When you feel an asthma attack is about to occur, sometimes you can’t help but panic, especially if you’re alone. Outlining a step-by-step asthma action plan, divided into varying levels of intensity, will help you function even when you’re panicking. This is an integral part of asthma management since it contains all the information about your medical condition. Develop an action plan with your doctor to ensure that the written instructions are accurate and thorough.

Your asthma action plan must detail all of your medications and when to use them, how to recognize when your symptoms are getting worse, and what to do in an emergency.

different kinds on inhalers

3. Always have your paperwork on hand

Keep printed copies of important documents in your emergency kit, especially when you’re traveling. There may be emergencies when you can’t see your personal doctor and you may have to go to another physician. Having all the necessary paperwork ready will make it easier for the new doctor to examine and treat you.

Be sure to include your asthma action plan, a brief medical history, insurance cards and numbers, a list of your medicines and when and how much you take, and the names and numbers of your doctors and pharmacies.

4. Take note of emergency contacts

Make a list of all the important numbers you’ll need to contact in case of an emergency. This is important especially when your asthma gets worse and you can no longer deal with it on your own. Have a printed copy and stow it in your emergency kit, just in case your mobile phone is off.

The list should include the numbers of your doctors, pharmacies, nearby hospitals and clinics, and your family and loved ones. Make sure that you have a relative or a friend who can immediately respond when you call for help.

If you can feel an attack coming, don’t let panic take control of you. Maintain a clear head and remember all the asthma management strategies and precautions you have set. When you’re prepared, all you have to do is follow the steps and you’ll be able to manage your asthma without anxiety.

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