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Dental Issues That Can Be Corrected by Fillings

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Without a smile, making a good first impression or connection is virtually impossible. Unfortunately, there are many elements that get in the way of this smile. Though you have little control over the genetic aspects that affect your smile, you have over 98 percent control over the oral health issues that may affect it.

This is because there are several dental options nowadays for the restoration of a sparkling smile and fully functioning teeth irrespective of the problems that caused it.

One of the common alternatives used by a Longmont-based dentist is a filling. When getting a filling, the affected tooth is first cleaned then filled with different materials. The materials used for fillings include composite, silver, plastic, gold and porcelain.

Here are some issues that can be corrected by dental fillings.

Tooth Decay

This is the most common indication for dental fillings. Dental caries will corrode the inner linings of your teeth and, in severe cases, reach the roots. In both instances, the decayed part of the tooth is removed, and the hole is filled with a dental filling material.

In some cases, an antibiotic is put into the hole to get rid of bacteria that might have accumulated before a filling is inserted. After the filling, your dental function is fully restored, and further decay is averted.

Cracked or Chipped Teeth

Dental trauma is the primary cause of fractures, chips, and cracks though in a few cases these can follow extreme temperature variations. Most people assume the cracks are minor cosmetic inconveniences which do not need professional treatment. These cracks and chips, however, open your inner dental layers to bacteria which cause extensive harm to the teeth. Small cracks and chips can be efficiently handled with a dental filling applied on the site of the crack.

Dental Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a widespread problem. As such, there are now various OTC and home-solutions for the same. Tooth sensitivity generally arises from dental conditions that leave the roots exposed. Anything less than professional dental treatment is only a band-aid solution.

If your sensitivity is limited to one tooth or it has just developed, this might be alleviated by a filling, which covers your exposed dental roots.


Woman on dental chair

Whitening, dental crowns and veneers are the most common solutions for discolored teeth. Fillings are, however, also an ideal option for discolored teeth. They can be a practical choice if you have only a few discolored teeth since the filling material is only used on the affected teeth.

Porcelain and composite are the standard material options used for fillings designed for discoloration.

The above issues all have other solutions in cosmetic dentistry. These include veneers, crowns, bonding and inlays. Dental fillings are, however, the cheapest among these solutions and require minimal treatment time and sessions.

You will still need regular dental visits to ensure the filling is intact. During the visits, your dentist might conduct X-rays to ascertain that the filled tooth and those around it are in excellent condition. Though fillings are permanent, you might have yours replaced if it has cracks and chips around it or has been eroded by acidic foods and tooth grinding.

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