Phen375 Review: A Closer Look at the Diet Pill Sensation

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You may have heard of this new ‘wonder’ pill Phen375 and its purported fat-burning powers; in fact, a lot of people are claiming that Josh Peck’s weight loss journey was aided heavily by this medicine. The actor himself has confirmed that he did take Phen375, but whether or not it was crucial to his incredible weight loss is still in question.

But what exactly is Phen375? What claims does it make about weight loss? And most importantly: is it legit?

We take a look at this ‘revolutionary’ product and talk about its purported effects, Phen375 reviews by both customers and medical professionals, and of course whether or not it delivers on its promises.

But first…

What is Phen375?

Images from Shopeer

Phen375 is a supplement that claims to have amazing weight loss and fat burning abilities that are backed by a ‘scientifically-researched advanced formula’. Phen375 supposedly does this by suppressing food cravings, boost energy levels, and increase a person’s metabolic rate, all thanks to the ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ formulation of each pill.

Customers are required to take 1 Phen375 pill a day and cut their calorie intake by 500 calories in order to get the ‘full fat-burning effects’ of the pill.

The pill is available over-the-counter, with no need for a prescription.

What is Phen375 Made of?

Phen375 has an extensive list of ‘natural’ ingredients that are all purported to burn fat lipids, increase the thermic effect of food (or TEF) to help your body digest and absorb nutrients faster and more effectively, and help your muscles be more active in burning fat to gain mass.

Here are the active ingredients listed in Phen375:

  • L-carnitine
  • Caffeine Anhydrous
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Chromium
  • Citrus Aurantium
  • Coleus Forskohlii
  • Dendrobium Nobile extract

While each of the ingredients listed in Phen375 are organic, the medical community doubts whether or not each component actually does anything to help with weight loss. That being said, each ingredient does have specific benefits:


According to the National Institutes of Health, L-carnitine does play an active role in energy production. It’s an amino acid that can be found in a lot of proteins like beef, milk, cheese, chicken breast, and other foods like codfish and whole wheat.

Caffeine Anhydrous

The powdered form of caffeine, caffeine anhydrous is known to suppress appetite, increase metabolism, and reduce cravings. Liquid versions of caffeine, like the ones found in coffee, also create the same effect, although scientists do acknowledge that caffeine anhydrous, because of its concentrated form, is more potent and therefore is possibly more effective.

Calcium Carbonate

The soluble and digestible form of calcium, calcium carbonate is essential to strong bones, healthy teeth, proper digestion, and stomach acid regulation. It’s commonly used as a food supplement to build up bones, but it’s also used to treat heartburn and aid digestion. The jury is still out as to whether or not is effective at weight loss, however.

Cayenne Pepper

Activates the thermogenesis process. It increases the body temperature and hence fat burning, throughout the day. Also known as hot chili or hot peppers, cayenne pepper is being studied by scientists for its purported efficacy in activating the thermogenesis process, a biological function that increases the body temperature and aids in fat burning.


A naturally-occurring mineral that’s been recognized by the Office of Dietary Supplements for its health benefits, Chromium is essential to the metabolism of different chemicals in our body, from proteins and fats to simple and complex carbohydrates.

Citrus Aurantium

A plant that’s native to Southeast Asia, Citrus Aurantium contains an active compound called synephrine. Synephrine is being studied for its thermogenesis activation effects when it’s combined with stimulants like caffeine.

Coleus Forskohlii

Also known as Plecanthus Barbatus, this plant root contains a chemical called Forskolin, which has been known to act on the cellular walls of the respiratory system. It’s been used since ancient times to treat heart conditions like chest pain, high blood pressure, and has even been used to treat asthma and eczema.

Dendrobium Nobile

A member of the orchid family, dendrobium is a popular house plant for its pleasant smell and aesthetic appeal. However, dendrobium extracts have been used for centuries to treat a host of illnesses, from eye issues to heart conditions. Nowadays, dendrobium nobile is being used in many supplements for its purported health benefits; researchers, however, are finding only little evidence to back up its claims.

Phen375 Reviews

So for all of its purported health benefits, its cheap price, and the company’s offer to ship worldwide, what do people actually think about Phen375? What are Phen375 reviews like, from both customers and medical professionals?

Well, here are reviews from the Better Business Bureau:

“I started product and developed a head to toe rash. Emails to support have been returned undeliverable and voice mails to customer service unreturned. I started product and developed a severe rash. I reached out to customer service via email, it was returned undeliverable with a “mailer daemon” alert. I also tried **** and got the same undeliverable message. See below. I can forward both as well. I called customer service and a recording picked up asking to leave a message. Two have been left and no return call. Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address. <*******>: Unable to deliver message after multiple retries, giving up.”

“I used two bottles of the product with no results and I want to return to unopened bottles for a refund. I cannot get a reply. I ordered 4 bottles of the product and I took two of them with no weight loss. I am very dissatisfied with the customer service. I want to return to unopened bottles for a refund. The last customer service representative said I must request a refund and I did and the last email I received said that they were sending it to their team and it has been a week with no reply. Now the customer service numbers and the order numbers no longer work. My order total was 141.90 I am estimating the cost for the two bottles since the invoice does not have any prices or shipping and handling on it. I see I am not the only one with complaints on this company or their product. I wish there was somewhere I could announce NOT to buy their product.”

“False advertisement:I received more products than ordered and charged $103 more than quoted. They charged my CC without my permission. They advertised buy 2 and get 3 bottles of Phen375 for 131.90 + $10 dollars shipping. They offer a free trial. My agreement was just $141 for one set of products. I found on 01/28 & 02/1 two charges of $89.90 each in my credit card for products I did not ordered. When I called their excuse was that I did not read the “pop up” small print. There was none. They sent the bills under different companies top try to deceive you even more: maxmaleXXXXXXXXXX and HEALTHBOOSTER XXXXXXXXXX AZ”

So, not great. In fact, based on Phen375 reviews, the Better Business Bureau gave the product a decisively failing grade of F, and refused to certify it as a trusted product. As a cherry on top, the BBB also issued an alert for Phen375 because of complaints, false advertising, and terrible reviews.

Based on these Phen375 reviews, we can unequivocally say: it does not work, and it’s quite possibly a scam. Stick to a healthy diet and a moderate workout regimen if you want to get fit.

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