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Causes of Sagging Facial Skin and How to Prevent It

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  • Sagging skin on the face can be caused by dehydration, age-related changes, sun damage, and dental problems. 
  • To prevent sagging skin, we should use sunscreen regularly, exfoliate once or twice a week, stay hydrated, and eat healthy foods. 
  • Antioxidants found in healthy foods can also help protect your skin from environmental damage and reduce the appearance of sagging skin. 
  • If you have dental problems, see a professional to help fix any issues and give your face the support it needs. 

If you’re like many people, you may have noticed some sagging skin on your face and want to know what causes it and what you can do about it. Well, various factors contribute to facial aging, but the good news is that there are steps you can take to prevent it from happening. Here’s a look at why your skin sags and how to prevent it.

Reasons for Sagging Facial Skin

You may wake up one day and find that your skin has started to sag around the cheeks and jawline, but why does this happen? Here are some of the possible reasons behind sagging facial skin:

Lack of Hydration

One of the most common reasons for facial sagging is dehydration. If your body isn’t getting enough water, then it won’t be able to generate enough oil or moisture to keep your skin elastic. This leads to sagging and wrinkles as the skin loses its natural elasticity.

Age-Related Changes

It’s inevitable; with age comes certain changes in your body—including facial sagging. As you age, your collagen production slows down, which makes your skin less elastic and more prone to wrinkling and sagging. This usually happens when you’re around 40 or 50.

Sun Damage

Sun damage is another major contributor to facial sagging. UV radiation breaks down collagen fibers, weakening them over time, resulting in wrinkled, saggy skin. It also causes your skin to lose its natural moisture, causing further damage.

Dental Problems

Dental problems such as misaligned or missing teeth can also cause your facial muscles to become weak, resulting in sagging skin. Additionally, if you have dental problems related to your jaw, such as a TMJ disorder, it can lead to changes in the shape of your face and cause sagging skin.

woman getting dental care

Reversing Sagging Facial Skin

Reversing problems related to facial sagging is possible with the right approach. Here are some of the things you can do to help prevent and reduce sagging skin on your face:

Use Sunscreen

It can’t be stressed enough, but you must use sunscreen daily—even if you don’t plan on going outside. UVA and UVB rays can cause damage to your skin, so make sure you use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. An SPF 30 sunscreen can protect your skin from up to 98% of the sun’s rays.

Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliating helps remove dead cells from the surface of your skin, allowing for new cell growth and better circulation in your face. It also helps to unclog your pores, which can help reduce wrinkles and sagging skin. Just remember that exfoliating should be done only once or twice a week, as too much can cause irritation and damage to your skin.

Stay Hydrated

It’s important to keep your skin hydrated by drinking lots of water throughout the day. Water serves as a natural moisturizer and will help your skin stay elastic and retain its youthfulness. Additionally, certain products like hyaluronic acid or ceramides can help lock in moisture in your skin for longer periods.

Eat Healthily

Eating healthy is key to having healthy skin—ensure you get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats are all essential for maintaining a healthy complexion. These foods contain antioxidants that help protect your skin against damage and prevent wrinkles and sagging. Additionally, eating foods that contain antioxidants can also help protect your skin from environmental damage and reduce the appearance of sagging skin.

Address Dental Issues

dentist and a patient

If you’re experiencing sagging due to dental issues such as misaligned or missing teeth, make sure you go see a dentist right away. A professional can help fix dental problems and give your face the support it needs to reduce sagging skin. Dental implant devices such as dental splints can be used to reduce pressure on your jaw, which can help with sagging skin. These will also give you the support you need to keep your facial muscles in shape.

Sagging skin on your face can cause you to feel insecure and embarrassed, but thankfully there are various ways to prevent and reduce it. Start by doing these steps, and you’ll soon feel more confident in your skin. Remember that prevention is always better than cure, so take the necessary steps to keep your skin looking young and healthy.

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