Good parents want only the best for their children, which is why they work hard to give the good life they deserve. They raise their kids with love, patience, and passion. They guide their little ones in doing what’s best for them, including their health and safety. This may involve teaching proper hygiene to ensure healthy skin and teeth. But sometimes, things tend to get out of their control.
It’s one of those warnings parents always tell their children: stay away from sweets to avoid tooth decay. But is this really true or just a myth to keep kids from sneaking a steal from the cookie jar? Is sugar really the culprit behind rotten teeth among kids? Are there any other cause of dental caries formation? Read on to find out.
How Dental Caries Form
Let’s get this out of the way: it’s not only sugar that causes cavities. Technically, it’s the sticky substance in teeth the dentist always mentions: plaque. Bacteria in the mouth feed on the carbohydrates that remain on teeth after eating. Some of these residues are refined sugars from candies, cookies, and all the other sweets your child likes — but it could also be small particles from vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. When oral bacteria digest these leftovers, they produce an acid that mixes with the saliva and forms the plaque.
As plaque remains on teeth for a long period, it eats away the enamel, the outer covering of the teeth; therefore, causing the formation of holes on the surface and leaving your child vulnerable to cavities. The best way to protect your child from tooth decay is to take them to a pediatric dentist in Murray or a trusted dental practice near you. Dentists often recommend fluoride treatments to strengthen children’s teeth.
How You Can Prevent the Problem
It’s not just sweets that contribute to the dental problem. So, absolute avoidance of sweets wouldn’t make your child protected from tooth decays. And to be honest, you really can’t completely get rid of sweets from kids’ daily routine; research says they’re wired to crave for it. What you need to do is to minimize your child’s risk of developing the problem by encouraging them to learn and embrace healthy habits.
It’s important to get them into the habit of brushing and flossing their teeth after eating — with the exception at times when they consume sodas and some fruits, as these have high acidity levels that could weaken the enamel further when teeth are brushed immediately.
Of course, part of healthy habits is going to the dentist regularly. Your kids need to know as early as now the importance of regular dental visits, and they should build a good relationship with their dentist. Starting early also helps them win against dental fear or anxiety.
To conclude, sugars aren’t the primary culprit behind tooth decay. It’s essentially bad oral habits and carelessness on the part of the children. Train them in practicing good dental hygiene while they’re young to prevent dental caries and lead and healthy life.