What’s the Deal with Yogi Detox Tea? Weight Loss, Cleanliness Claims Uncovered

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Detoxing is probably one of the most popular health trends that have persisted throughout the decades, despite the fact that ‘detoxing’ is shifty at best from a medical perspective. Detoxing adherents claim that pollutants known as toxins are present in pretty much everything, from the air we breathe to the food we eat.

Now, this isn’t technically wrong: there really are pollutants in the air (in the form of carbon monoxide, smoke, carbon emissions, etc.) and in our food (artificial preservatives, bacteria, etc.), but to say that we can ‘flush’ out these toxins using a magical pill, diet, tea, or what-have-you is not exactly something the scientific community agrees on.

Of course, this doesn’t stop manufacturers, ‘health gurus’, and companies from marketing things that they claim will ‘detoxify’ you and provide other health benefits: a juice cleanse to rid you of oxidants, Yogi detox tea for weight loss, and a bunch of other health foods makes fantastic claims that they say will make your life healthier and happier.

In this article, we take a look at the claims of Yogi Detox Tea: weight loss, cleansing your body of toxins, and many other health benefits are expected from drinking this concoction. But how much of it is true, and how much of it is just effective marketing? Is Yogi Detox tea weight loss a real thing? Does Yogi Detox tea help remove toxins from your body?

But most importantly, is Yogi Detox tea safe?

What are Toxins?

Before we get into the specifics, let’s take a look at what health products call ‘toxins’. Technically, toxins are a scientific thing and it describes any kind of poisonous substance that can wreak havoc on any biological creature. These toxins can be organic substances like venoms or poison, but can also be any chemical that might harm a human body. The latter is what detox diets and products claim to cleanse from our bodies.

How Do Detox Diets and Products Help?

Detox diets and products claim to have some kind of cleansing properties that help you draw out toxins from your bloodstream and flush it out via your bodily fluids.

But again, that’s the claim; in reality, detox diets and products don’t ‘flush’ anything out. Your body already has natural detoxifying systems: our organs. Our organs are actually very efficient at expelling harmful substances from our bodies: lungs expel carbon dioxide, the liver filters out actual toxins, our kidneys clean our blood, and our colon makes sure that all waste and toxins are expelled from the body in our next bowel movement.

So, no, detox diets don’t work to cleanse our body of anything; at best, they make sure that we get our RDA of vitamins and minerals, but other than that, it won’t get rid of any purported toxins in your system.

As for the weight loss, however…

What’s In Yogi Detox Tea?

Image from Pixabay

Yogi detox tea is one of the most popular cleansing and weight loss products out there, mostly because it’s getting great reviews, it’s very palatable, and it’s widely available (albeit expensive). Yogi detox tea’s claim to fame (aside from its purported efficacy) is that it’s completely all-natural, with all of its ingredients being derived from various plants, herbs, and spices. What’s more, it’s all ‘organic’, although that term can be problematic.

But giving benefit of the doubt, the listed ingredients of Yogi Detox Tea are both extensive and impressive: Indian sarsaparilla root, cinnamon bark, ginger, licorice, burdock, dandelion, cardamom, clove, black pepper, juniper berry, long pepper berry, Philodendron bark, rhubarb, skullcap root, Coptis, Forsythia, gardenia, Japanese honeysuckle, and winter melon.

Although the label doesn’t specify exactly how much of each ingredient is present in a serving, many, if not all, these ingredients have known (or at the very least, reported) medicinal properties that are beneficial to the human body, such as:

Black Pepper

Also known as the “King of Spices”, black pepper is one of the most widely-used spices in the world; in fact, in Medieval Europe, black pepper was so valuable that it was used as a form of currency. Not only did it provide intense flavor to food, but black pepper also has amazing anti-microbial properties that helped preserve food before the invention of refrigeration.

Researchers are also finding evidence that black pepper has very effective anti-inflammatory benefits, making them a great spice to consume when you have injuries. It’s also been known to improve digestion.

Burdock Root

The root of the Burdock plant, Burdock root has been used for therapeutic purposes for centuries across Europe, North America, and Asia. It’s been known to stimulate digestion and has been used extensively in treating liver and kidney issues. Burdock root has also been used to treat eczema and to promote overall skin health because of its antidiabetic and antioxidant properties that aid blood circulation to the skin.


More commonly known as a yard weed, dandelions have actually been used as a medicinal plant all over the world for centuries, thanks to its natural diuretic properties. Dandelions are also rich in antioxidants, making them an effective augment to spleen, kidney, and liver medication. As a natural laxative, dandelions are also great at regulating bowel movements; when dried, dandelions can also be used as an appetite stimulant.

Juniper Berries

Juniper berries have been used by various cultures around the world for its medicinal purposes for centuries. Despite its name, juniper berries aren’t actually berries; rather, they’re the female seed code of the juniper tree. Juniper berries have been used to treat various ailments like treating urinary tract infections, relieving menstrual pain, preventing congestive heart failure, and even used in helping women go through childbirth.

And researchers are backing up its medical benefits: studies show that juniper berries are naturally high in antioxidants and have strong anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Phellodendron Bark

Phellodendron bark has been used for its antiviral and antibacterial properties for centuries, but recently, studies have shown that this bark can also be used for a wider variety of things, from relieving symptoms of stress and anxiety to reducing inflammation and preventing auto-immune conditions. Take note, however, that Phellodendron Bark has large amounts of alkaloids, making them unsuitable for both long-term use and pregnant women.

Yogi Detox Tea Weight Loss: Real or Manufactured?

Yogi Detox Tea does help with weight loss; however, it has less to do with its natural and organic ingredients and more to do with it being a laxative and diuretic. While healthy and regular bowel movements are encouraged (and essential for overall positive health), too much of it can be detrimental to the human body.

Consuming too much of a laxative and diuretic can leave you both malnourished and dehydrated, making Yogi Detox tea ineffective in significant weight loss; none the less, in moderation, Yogi detox tea can be used to supplement a well-balanced diet and exercise regimen.

Remember: there’s no substitute for proper diet and exercise: weight loss and cleansing your body of toxins requires putting the right kinds of food into your body and moderate amounts of physical activity. Sorry, but there are no magic bullets when it comes to your health, and if you have any doubts, always consult your doctor.

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