skin care

How to Keep Your Skin Soft and Healthy

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It’s hard not to feel self-conscious if our skin is anything but perfect. After all, we feel great if we look great, and the inverse is also true. We go to great lengths to ensure we look presentable all the time, and frizzy hair or acne can ruin an otherwise perfect day. Of course, the occasional breakout may not seem that severe in the grand scheme of things. But wouldn’t you rather have healthy skin all the time?

You might be tempted to try all sorts of serums and chemicals to solve the problem, but the solution is simpler than you think. You can avoid many common skin problems with healthy habits and some common sense. That means keeping yourself hydrated, getting enough sleep, and staying out of the sun. You should also avoid self-medicating. Before you reach for that cream, you might want to visit a dermatologist first.

Procedures that help give our face a quick refresh are growing in popularity. From chemical peels to lip injections, it seems like we’d stop at nothing to keep our appearance fresh. Here are a few things you can do to keep your skin healthy.

1. Preserve your natural oils

It may sound counterproductive, but showering less often can be good for your skin. Showering or bathing strips your skin of its natural oils. I’m not saying that you need to sacrifice your hygiene, but there is such a thing as too much when it comes to showering. If possible, limit your showers to five or six times a week. If daily showers are a must, you need to moisturize to preserve the skin’s oil barrier.

The same mechanisms that keep you clean also make your skin more susceptible to dryness. Soap strips the skin of its natural oils. Without that natural barrier, your skin begins to dry out. If cutting back on showering sounds too drastic a solution, consider using mild soaps and use warm water instead. The goal is to preserve as much of your natural oils as possible.

2. Match the product to your skin type

Skincare can be quite overwhelming, with all the products you have to use and the names of chemicals you can barely pronounce. But the goal is simple: We want to use products that will solve our skin issues and keep it healthy.

But choosing a product can be a challenge by itself. Just walk down any drug store aisle, and you’ll be bombarded with dozens of choices. Using the wrong product can have disastrous consequences, which is why you need to consult a dermatologist before trying any untested product.

putting on lotion

It also helps to learn the basics. For instance, you may want to understand what kind of moisturizer to get. Some moisturizers act as a barrier that seals in your skin’s natural moisture. These products tend to be on the oilier side and are made of ingredients such as silicone polymer. While sealers can be effective, they can also exacerbate existing skin problems.

On the opposite end of the spectrum are moisturizers that add to your skin’s hydration. Instead of acting as a barrier, it reinforces your natural moisture. They’re often used to moisturize sensitive and dry skin. However, they tend to thin out quickly, and you’ll need to reapply the moisturizer often.

3. Don’t forget nighttime skincare

Once you’ve finalized your skincare lineup, you can then plan your routine. Proper skincare is as much about timing as it is about the products. Use a product at the wrong time, and its efficacy may be affected. Constant reapplication is wasteful and inefficient as well. If you want to make the most of your skincare routine, you need to know when to do it.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the best time to apply your routine is at nighttime before you head for bed. Your routine will be more effective if you’re calm and relaxed. After showering, dab your body dry to preserve the moisture. Start with light products such as the cleanser and toner. Next, move on to the heavier creams and lotions. Allow the products to settle before going to bed.

A final word

These three tips will help you keep your skin vibrant and healthy. Clear and healthy skin results from patience and perseverance, so don’t be disheartened if you don’t see results right away. Visit your dermatologist regularly, do your skincare routine, and you’ll start seeing improvements soon enough.

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