Overweight, Exercising, Women.

If You’re Overweight in Singapore, This May Explain Why You Have Stubborn Fat

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About 40 percent of the population in Singapore are already overweight. Some may be working out in the gym or running consistently, and yet they can’t let go of the last bit of weight. This is especially true for the stubborn fat around our bellies, hips, and thighs.

What’s the deal? Why can’t we get rid of this final bit of flab? This blog explores the biggest reasons for stubborn fat and provides tips on dealing with it.

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Why Are You NOT Losing Fat?

Contrary to what most people think, losing stubborn fat isn’t as simple as calories in and out. Many factors are at play, which can impact your ability to drop off the fat.

Some common causes of stubborn fat include:

1. Underlying Medical Conditions

Some medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism and Cushing’s syndrome, can increase fat storage and difficulty losing weight.

If you have insulin resistance, you may also experience the same thing. The body pumps the hormone while blood sugar levels rise and the cells don’t have the energy it needs to perform their function. It can leave you feeling hungry all the time.

2. Aging

As we age, our muscle mass decreases, and our metabolism slows down. This means that we need to eat fewer calories to maintain weight as we get older.

Furthermore, the hormone levels in our bodies change, impacting how easily we store fat. Women experience a decrease in estrogen after menopause, making it more challenging to lose fat. Men experience a drop in testosterone, leading to gaining unwanted weight.

Aging also makes it more challenging for the body to utilize oxygen and glucose, so we burn fewer calories even when doing an activity with the same output as when we were younger.

3. Bad Eating Habits

If you don’t eat enough foods that nourish your body, it will struggle to burn through the fat. It can also lead to food cravings and binging behaviors.

It may cause you to overcompensate by overeating certain foods because you feel deprived even when you’re not. This is especially true if you have a history of yo-yo dieting.

Eating too late at night can also lead to weight gain, as the body can’t burn off the calories properly. Poor food choices, such as processed foods and sugary drinks, make it difficult for the body to lose weight since it can contribute to insulin resistance.

4. Genetics

Unfortunately, genetics can play a role in our ability to lose weight. Some people are predisposed to store more fat than others. This may be due to the muscle mass we have or how efficiently our body burns calories.

If your parents are overweight, you’re more likely to be as well. However, this doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to a life of being overweight. You can still make healthy changes to your lifestyle to help you lose weight.

How to Deal with Stubborn Fat

Now that we know some reasons why fat may be stubborn, let’s look at how we can deal with it:

1. Undergo a Less-Invasive Cosmetic Procedure

Losing weight is never easy, and it can be more challenging for some people than others. If you have stubborn fat that won’t budge no matter what you do, undergoing a less-invasive cosmetic procedure may be the best option to help get rid of the excess fat.

Body contouring treatments are non-surgical and do not require any downtime, which means that you can get back to your day-to-day activities almost immediately. These procedures include fat freeze, which involves using cold temperatures to destroy the fat cells, and laser lipo, which uses lasers to break down the triglycerides in the fat cells.

Both of these treatments are safe and effective, and you can see results after just one or a few treatments. If you’re not sure if a body contouring treatment is right for you, schedule a consultation with a certified cosmetologist.

2. Make Healthy Changes to Your Diet and Lifestyle

If you want to lose weight, making healthy changes to your diet and lifestyle is the best way to go. This includes eating nutrient-rich foods, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.

It may not be easy at first, but eventually, these habits will become second nature. And once you start to see results, you’ll be more motivated than ever to continue doing them.

3. Treat Your Underlying Condition

If you have an underlying medical condition, such as PCOS or hypothyroidism, treat this before making any dietary and lifestyle changes.

For instance, if you have a thyroid disorder, your doctor may prescribe medication to help regulate your hormone levels so that they’re not affecting your metabolism.

Once your condition is under control, you can start making changes to your diet and lifestyle. This will help make it easier to lose weight in the long run.

Losing weight can be a challenge, but with determination and perseverance, you can do it.

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