Landing a job interview

Job Hunting Tips for People with Disabilities

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Some employers may have a certain prejudice when it comes to hiring employees with disabilities. Even if your disability would not affect the way you work, some employers might have concerns. But having a disability does not mean you cannot have a meaningful job. You may have already applied for social security benefits. Still, nothing should stop you from conquering the CBD in Utah or New York. Here are some job hunting tips to help you secure a job.


If you are applying to a company, you should research it before sending out a resume or scheduling an interview. You can ask disability advocate groups if the company is known to hire, train, and promote workers with disabilities. That way, you will know if there is a good chance you will be accepted. You should also learn their strengths and weaknesses (you can find information on their website and forums online), so you know what to bring to the table. You can look at the company’s goals and explain why your strengths and background make you an ideal candidate.

Use Different Techniques

While you’re used to looking for jobs online, there are tons of other ways to job-hunt. For instance, you can use personal contacts, job-placement assistance through support groups or disability advocacy organizations, vocational rehabilitation agencies, and much more. Maximize different channels to explore any job suitable for you.

Prep Appropriately

If you have something to aid you with your disability, such as a guide dog, wheelchair, or interpreter, you should let your interviewer know about it before the interview. Ask if there are accessible entrances if needed, and what a good route to them would be. That way, both of you can prepare accordingly. You should also try to dress to impress. Unless it is stated you should dress casually, do your best to look professional and sharp for the interview.

Focus on Abilities and Strengths

While you would have to bring up your disability at one point in the interview, it should not be the focus of it. You are more than your disability — shine a positive light on what you can do even if you have a disability. You can also offer them solutions or workarounds. For instance, you can adjust the resolution of a computer to see clearly or offer live captioning tools for conference calls if you’re hard of hearing. A positive attitude will surely impress any interviewer.

Address Concerns the Right Way

Searching for a job

While the interviewer may not want to show it directly, they will have some concerns regarding your performance when you have a disability. If you have any experience, you can use that to explain how you overcame challenges, such as the use of appropriate equipment and communication tools. Do not forget to ask for what you need. If you need an adjustment or modification to get the job done, you should tell them about it.

You are only as limited as you let yourself be. As long as you put some effort into it, you can get a great and fulfilling job.

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