Doctor consulting a patient woman coughing with a stethoscope

A Review: The Discrepancies of Healthcare Among Different Ethnicities in the United States

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The United States medical industry is one of the largest and most advanced globally. It consists of a wide range of organizations, including hospitals, clinics, research facilities, and manufacturing companies. The US medical industry is worth billions of dollars and employs millions of people.

State and federal governments highly regulate the medical industry in the United States. Several different agencies oversee different aspects of the industry, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). In addition, many professional organizations set standards for the medical industry, such as the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Hospital Association (AHA).

However, despite these regulations and standards, there are still many disparities in healthcare available to different groups of people in the United States.

These disparities often exist based on ethnicities. For example, minorities are more likely to be uninsured than whites, and they are also more likely to receive lower-quality care. In addition, minorities are more likely to experience racism within the medical industry. There are various reasons for this, one of them being the lack of universal healthcare.

Lack of Universal Healthcare

There are some possible explanations for these disparities. One reason is that the US medical industry is designed to benefit those who can afford to pay for it. The lack of universal healthcare in the country means that people who cannot afford to pay for their care are disadvantaged. This is especially true for minorities, who often have lower incomes than whites.

Rural Living

In addition, the way that the US medical industry is structured also contributes to these disparities. For example, minorities are more likely to live in rural areas with fewer hospitals and doctors. They are also more likely to live in areas with a higher concentration of poverty. These factors make it more difficult for minorities to get the healthcare they need.

Lack of Diversity in Medical Professionals

Another explanation for these disparities is the lack of diversity in the medical industry. Minorities are less likely to be represented in medicine, both as doctors and as patients. This can lead to a lack of understanding and empathy from medical professionals. It can also lead to mistrust of the medical industry among minorities.

These explanations contribute to the disparities in healthcare that exist in the United States. These disparities often have a negative impact on the health of minorities. They can also lead to increased stress and anxiety, which can further negatively impact health.

The first step to addressing these disparities is to understand why they exist. Once the reasons for these disparities are understood, it will be easier to develop solutions that can address them.

One particular solution that has been addressed for quite some time now is universal healthcare.

doctors talking

Implement Universal Healthcare

Countries like Canada, France, and Germany have had some form of universal healthcare for many years now. The United Kingdom is in the process of implementing it. The main goal of universal healthcare is to provide healthcare for all citizens, regardless of their income.

There are a number of different ways to achieve universal healthcare. One way is to provide free or subsidized health insurance to all citizens. Another way is to directly provide healthcare services to all citizens.

The US has been debating the issue of universal healthcare for many years now. The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, was one attempt at providing universal healthcare. However, it did not go as far as many people would have liked.

Have More Minority Doctors

There has been an increase in minority doctors for quite some years now. For example, there are now more African American doctors than ever.

This is a good first step, but there is still a long way to go. Minorities are still underrepresented in the medical field. In order to truly address healthcare disparities, there needs to be more diversity among medical professionals.

Improve Access to Healthcare in Rural Areas

One way to address healthcare disparities is to improve access to healthcare in rural areas. This can be done by providing more funding for hospitals and clinics in these areas. It can also be done by providing transportation assistance or increasing the number of telemedicine services.

To conclude, there are many different factors that contribute to healthcare disparities in the United States. These include the lack of universal healthcare, the structure of the medical industry, and the lack of diversity among medical professionals. Addressing these disparities will require a multi-faceted approach that includes implementing universal healthcare and increasing diversity among medical professionals.

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